
SOMALP calls for the removal of Nestle products in schools.

Solidarite Morisyin Ar Lepep Palestinn (SOMALP) notes with concern the attempt of the multinational food and beverage company Nestlé to infiltrate public schools through the free distribution of its products, namely Milo during extra-curricular activities like sports events.

Nestlé is a major stakeholder in Osem, an Israeli food manufacturer operating in Occupied Palestine. With the ongoing genocide and daily massacres carried out by the IDF in Gaza, we invite all people to avoid Nestle products until they cease all operations in Occupied Palestine.

In addition, Nestlé has a poor track record when it comes to public health. In the 1970s, the declining rates of breastfeeding in developing countries was mainly due to the unethical marketing practices of breast milk substitute manufacturers including Nestlé and in April 2024, the Swiss investigative organization, Public Eye, released a report where Nestlé was criticized for adding sugar to infant milk and cereal products sold in many poorer countries while the same products sold in Europe contained no sugar at all. 

SOMALP further reiterates its call on the government of Mauritius to stop all business dealings with the Israel’s state-owned water company, Mekorot, which is implementing ‘water apartheid’ in Palestine

The scale of murder, destruction and suffering in Palestine is unbearable and, by all means, this must be stopped. Companies which, either directly or indirectly, are complicit or profiting from this state of affairs should be called out. Let us all do our part to end this genocide.

SOMALP also reiterates its call on the Government of Mauritius to cut all diplomatic ties with Israel and to support South Africa in its ICJ case.